Prince Among Men

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Prince Among Men

Tonight, along with many others, I went to see Prince of Persia to kick off my long weekend. I won't spoil it for you, but I will say I enjoyed it immensely! Not just because I got to see a lot of Prince Dastan (Jake Gyllenhaal) with his bad boy garb, long hair and stubble.

Gorgeous as it was, that wasn't what struck me. At the core of the movie were real values...of brotherhood, the strength of family, listening to one's heart, and making your own destiny. At every turn (and there were many leaps and bounds) the hero and heroine had to fall back on these traits and find courage to press on.

I realized on his holiday's eve that I've known other brave people who were full of and women alike. People who devoted themselves to a cause greater than themselves. These people give up their lives, their time with loved ones to help help our country.

As a college student in Fayetteville, the city butted up against Fort Bragg, I didn't always get woken up by my alarm clock. Imagine air maneuvers and cargo planes flying by over head...or rounds from training missions exploding miles away. I sat in class elbow to elbow with men and women who regularly wore some part of their fatigues or a symbol that marked them as military brethren. Whenever I saw one I was honored. I knew what they were giving up, but barely recognized the scope of what their life was like.

It broke my heart to hear one man say that he'd gone to Desert Storm, waiting for the day he could return state side and hold his wife, only to come back and discover she was pregnant by another man. Sure this happens in books and games all the time as a plotline...but this was real life, real raw emotion inches from me. Needless to say I've never forgotten that day.

I have friends who are ex-military, and friends who write about military characters, and some that overlap in those two spheres. Both respect the men and women who serve our country, feel for the families also caught up in the battles, and strive to do what they can to fly yellow ribbons in more than the literal sense. Everywhere we turn we're sure to hear or see someone who is affected by the war being raged. Whether it's personally face-to-face, in the paper, or on television during the usual Memorial Day special.

On Monday I plan to honor our soldiers' bravery and courage by thanking them for my freedom which didn't come free. I will praise them for their sense of brotherhood to guard each other's back, I will praise their families who continue to make such monumental sacrifices, I will praise them for listening to their hearts and not always their heads, and praise them for helping write our destiny in these turbulent times.

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2 Responses to "Prince Among Men"

Lynda K. Scott said...

Skylar, great post!

We sometimes forget what Memorial Day is all about. It's not time for Sales, or Cook outs or Days at the Beach. It's a reminder of the great sacrifice in blood, sweat and tears of those warriors who stood and stand up for American life and libery.

To those brave men and women: Many, many thanks!

Cate Masters said...

Wonderful post, Skylar. We used to live near the Army War College in Carlisle, and every night at 11:00, someone would play taps. It would sound so poignant ringing through the night. Never so much as on 9/11, when two people played.
I can't wait to see Prince of Persia either. :)