I Heeded the Call...

I Heeded the Call... - Hi bertemu lagi dengan saya di tempat berbagi Chord Gitar Indonesia, Pada kesempatan kalini saya akan berbagi Kunci gitar yang berjudul I Heeded the Call..., saya telah menyediakan lirik lagu lengkap dengan chord gitarnya dari awal lagi sampai akhir lagu. mudah-mudahan isi postingan kunci gitar yang saya tulis ini mudah untuk di pahami oleh kalian dan semoga bermanfaat juga. oke langsung saja ini chord gitar nya.

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I Heeded the Call...

and entered Gather’s First Chapters Romance contest. (Cassandra posted about it August 5th.) The First Round of voting opened on Monday, so of course I’ve come begging for votes. (Unofficially, I’m being trounced. But what do I expect when an ex-American Title, almost GH Finalist and First Chapters finalist is pitted against me?)

I’m hoping LOVEMAKER will hold it’s own against the pack of 300 (+ or – ). Who knows maybe I’ll have a rush of votes come September 17th (the day before voting closes). I can only hope my writing is strong enough as well as throw myself upon your mercy to take pity and vote for me...pretty please?

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In order to vote, readers must become a member of Gather. You can do this by going to http://www.gather.com/ and clicking on the orange “It’s Free-Click Here” button. You’ll see a form to fill in details about yourself, however there are safeguards so you don’t have to reveal your entire name, nor where you live. (And you aren’t required to friend anyone or post, you can simply read, comment and/or VOTE.)

There are a few rules about voting (aka clicking on one of the little stars under the “Article”, but before the comments). Only votes of 10 will determine the 10 chapters that will go to Round Two (the Gather Editorial Team will pick the other 10). Yep, that’s right anything 9 and below will automatically be dropped. (This was instituted because of all the 1’s left as pranks during the first chapters contest.) You can only vote once for each individual chapter. If you vote more than once for each chapter, ALL your votes will be deleted. You can vote for as many of the chapters as you want and you can leave as many comments as you’d like.

To sweeten the reward for readers (who all the contestants are driving over to Gather) there is an incentive!! Members who post the most insightful comments on each of the 25 winning submissions from Round One, plus each of the 5 winning submissions from Round Two will win a $50 Borders Gift Card!

I don’t know about you, but free books are always a fabulous prize as far as I’m concerned!

To visit the moderator’s article which provides an overview about voting as well as links to all the entries, go to:


Or you can simply go straight to LOVEMAKER (hint, hint):


Please go forth and vote! I know I’d appreciate it! And I’m certain all of the other authors who’ve put themselves out there by submitting their chapters for this NATIONAL contest would be equally as grateful!

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Sekian Kunci gitar I Heeded the Call..., mudah-mudahan bisa memberi manfaat untuk anda semua. baiklah, sekian postingan Chord gitar lagu kali ini.

Anda sedang membaca artikel I Heeded the Call... dan artikel ini url permalinknya adalah https://star-crossedromance.blogspot.com/2007/08/i-heeded-call.html Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat, Jangan lupa untuk share artikel ini terimakasih.

1 Response to "I Heeded the Call..."

Lynda K. Scott said...

I voted! LD Hope you get a whole bunch more 10's!!!