Writing and more

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Writing and more

On another loop I'm on, there was a recent discussion of POV (Point Of View) and how romance writers continually 'head hopped' based on the observer's reading of a J.D. Robb book. After he was corrected :D the discussion moved on to types of POV in use, ie 3rd person, 1st person and 2nd person (which seems to be really grating on most of us who see it). Most interesting to me though was the observation by one individual that he 'hated' a switch from 1st person (main character) to 3rd person (secondary character) because it was jarring.

Well, that aroused my curiosity. But it seems as though his complaint was in methods of transition from said 1st to 3rd person POV and not the actual mingling of the POV's. Basically, his comment said that all POV switches should be done at scene or chapter breads.

I'll confess I used to think this one and, to an extent, I still do. However, I now feel that with the proper use of transitions switching from one POV to another IN THE SAME SCENE can be accomplished and will enrich the story. Now, I've been around long enough to see the pendulum swing on this issue and maybe I'm just slow on the upswing (ie coming into the POV debate late). How do you all feel about POV switches? Scene or chapter breaks only? On, with the right transition, can they be done in mid-scene?

Moving on to a fun thing...The United Nations World Food Program has an interesting 'game' they're offering. It tests your word power :D For every word you get right, they will donate 10 grains of rice to world hunger. Here's the link:

Free Rice

Last but not least for our American readers...When you are making out your Christmas card list this year, also include one for the following address:

A Recovering American Soldier
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001

It'll make them feel better and probably add a warm and fuzzy glow to your holidays as well.

-- Lynda

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3 Responses to "Writing and more"

Lynda K. Scott said...

Oh, and be warned, The Free Rice site is totally addictive!

Kathleen Scott/MK Mancos said...

I don't know why, but I cringe now whenever I see first person. I don't know why I've developed this aversion to it. It used to not bother me. I could be perfectly happy enjoying a story in any POV. Personally, I blame chick lit. I found most of it blantantly self-indulgent with characters I could neither relate to or even wanted to. I even have a fantasy novel by I think...Sara Douglass... sitting in my TBR pile that I haven't touched since I opened that first page and noticed it began with the pronoun "I" - Well, this "I" put the book down and selected something else. Now, I've read her books before and know she's a wonderfully gifted writer, but I just can't do it. Do you think there's a phobia retraining program I could get into for this?


Lynda K. Scott said...

I dunno, maybe try reading just two pages, see if the story/character pulls you in and dampens the phobia :D

I know what you mean though. I've read lots of first person books that really were not that well written and it soured me on 1st person for a long, long time. Even now, I'll read a couple of pages before I buy, just to see if I can relate to the character or not.

I've just finished writing my very first 1st person short story. Is it any good? I'll leave that to a publisher to tell me, LOL