Future (Im)Perfect

Future (Im)Perfect

I write Futuristic and Science Fiction Erotic Romance. My characters live, love, and lust after each other in technologically advanced worl...
Don't Steal My Thunder!

Don't Steal My Thunder!

We’ve all been witnesses to this crime. That instant when you’re cruising along, then BAM!, a secondary character takes over the show. Out o...


I’m living in a war zone, or what looks like one and I really haven’t thought about my article for this blog. So you all get my deepest and ...
NaNo and Mars

NaNo and Mars

So I, like about 70,000 other writers, am doing NaNo this year. "Doing NaNo" being shorthand for participating in National Novel ...
Something Furry This Way Comes

Something Furry This Way Comes

Don’t you just love old books, especially ones that deal with magic or ancient stories? I’m more of a fairytale nut myself, but I can’t help...