Guest - Rowena Cherry

Guest - Rowena Cherry - Hi bertemu lagi dengan saya di tempat berbagi Chord Gitar Indonesia, Pada kesempatan kalini saya akan berbagi Kunci gitar yang berjudul Guest - Rowena Cherry, saya telah menyediakan lirik lagu lengkap dengan chord gitarnya dari awal lagi sampai akhir lagu. mudah-mudahan isi postingan kunci gitar yang saya tulis ini mudah untuk di pahami oleh kalian dan semoga bermanfaat juga. oke langsung saja ini chord gitar nya.

Penyanyi : Guest - Rowena Cherry
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Guest - Rowena Cherry

This week's guest is the amazing Rowena Cherry who has an energy level many of us would envy. For those of you who aren't familiar with Rowena, here's a brief bio...

Heroines get more hero than they bargain for....

Rowena Cherry has played chess with a Grand Master and former President of the World Chess Federation (hence the chess-pun titles of her alien romances).

She has spent folly filled summers in a Spanish castle; dined on a sheikh's yacht with royalty; been seranaded (on a birthday) by a rockstar and an English nobleman; ridden in a pace car at the 1993 Indy 500; received the gold level of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award; and generally lived on the edge of the sort of life that inspires her romances about high-living alien gods.


"In space, no one can hear you scream…" That was the byline for ALIENS

On the radio, no one can see your face…all the world can hear your chair creak, but they cannot see you. That can be a very good thing! I am an internet radio talk show host for two irregular shows.

Crazy Tuesday ( )
 is when I blog aloud with guests. It's unrehearsed, live reality radio, warts, bloopers, sniggers and the occasional admonition to guests to stop doing the washing up while the world listens.

The other shows are Cherry-Picking specials, so called because I cherry pick the best Sundays of the year from the Defenders Of Wildlife calendar. They are Bear Awareness, Sea Otter Awareness, Wolf Awareness, Manatee Awareness.

Why do I do a series of shows around animals? In my opinion, it is a great opportunity to show that Romance authors are intelligent, educated, responsible, caring people who think about more than the sort of scenes we're notorious for. With a bit of creativity, we can increase awareness of endangered animals and also promote ourselves and our novels in an entertaining and subtle manner.

On Sunday 28th September, I was scurrying around the internet, pulling the evening show together. The process is very much like a duck gliding across a lake. Above the waterline, everything looks serene.20Beneath the surface, webbed feet are churning.

Yesterday, I had six scheduled guests, including one reader who was going to help me co-host the show. Today four dropped out, but I found one stand-in.

"But, I don't know anything about sea otters…" one of them wailed by email.

"Go here!" I replied, having taken two seconds to google.

Pick a site from the list. Make a make a custom tinyurl of it so it's easy to quote on the radio) "

By the way, here's how to do a tinyurl:
"First go to Amazon (or an otter site, or youtube) highlight and copy the long url you want.
"Go to
"Paste your long url in the long rectangular box.
"Go to the Custom box (smaller) and type in the words you want to use to identify your url for example

Click the button to make things work. Your new url will automatically be on your clipboard. Open a doc and paste what's there. See! Open an email and paste...

"Next," I instructed, "choose four points/facts about otters that you REALLY want to share, and four more that you can share if someone else picks up on the same thing. (If they do.... you chime in with an "Oh, I loved that fact!" and discuss it with the friend who thinks the same way you do)."

Then I shared the three points that I wanted to discuss, and where I might digress into romance .

Otters are WEASEL FAMILY (scent glands)
HOW MUCH HAIR THEY HAVE (Hairy chested heroes discussion).
NO BLUBBER (hero/heroines who carry a little weight).

"We could," I suggested, "all, while we are on the air, go look at an otter image, and show how we each would describe it (competitive describing) to showcase our skills as authors. We can also brainstorm what it would be like to be a human trapped in an otter's body. (Shapeshifting/being cursed 101), and of course, discuss our pet peeves about environmental bad behavior."

If you would like to see how we got along, visit and look for my name. Rowena Cherry

By the way:
On Tuesday October 7th from 10.00 am Eastern Time until noon, Author Marketing Expert Penny Sansevieri and her web designer will share professional promo tips and also analyze what is wrong with Rowena's website on my Crazy Tuesday radio show.

Rowena Cherry

Interactive family tree:
Chat with Rowena on

Knight's Fork is a futuristic romance which combines a traditional quest story (loosely based on the Greek hero Perseus) with a taboo romance around the issue of genetics and the royal need to breed.

It's "Helen of Troy" with morals.

A Princess from a "superior" race was married to an alien Prince as living proof of a political alliance. At the time of the marriage/peace treaty no one thought that the Prince would become King of his people, and that an heir would be necessary. The union is star-crossed. After many fruitless years, the Queen (as she now is) realizes that her only hope of keeping the peace is to find a sperm donor from her own race who has the same eye color as her alien mate's, whom she can trust, and who is not too closely related to her.

When he says "No!" the stakes are too high for her to give up.

Rhett is an ambassador and a knight who has taken vows of chastity and purity. Everyone believes that he is "too good to be true" and that he must have a sordid secret, a chink in his moral armor. His own world gets too hot, so he jumps at the chance to go on a year-long quest to uncover or else lay to rest a buried skeleton in the family closet. Little does he know that there is a stowaway aboard.

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20 Responses to "Guest - Rowena Cherry"

Rowena Cherry said...

Hello, Lynda,

Thank you so much for this gorgeous feature.For some reason, I thought you were on MySpace. This is way cool!

I found it by looking in the index on the left hand side of your blog. The link in the main body of the blog seems to be broken.

Sue Sunshine said...

Thank you for being interviewed, Rowena. It is always nice to know more about the authors who write the books we enjoy reading.


Fedora said...

Rowena, thanks for giving us more info on you and your books! It's always fun to learn more! And boy, you've had a very exciting life thus far! ;)

Rowena Cherry said...

Thank you flchen1.

Yes... I have

Cherie J said...

I enjoyed the post Rowena. It is always fun to learn more about an author you like. Thanks for being here.


Thankyou for giving your time today,you are very talented

Minna said...

Great post!

Savanna Kougar said...

Hi Rowena, I noticed your life bio. To say I'm impressed is understated. Wow, what a life. And what fantastic experiences to draw upon for your novels.

Rowena Cherry said...

Sue "Sunshine" -

Thank you very much for your comment. This has been immense fun.

Best wishes,

Rowena Cherry
“Your Majesty, would you mind faking an orgasm while I watch, so I know what to expect…?”
~'Rhett, Knight’s Fork by Rowena Cherry

Rowena Cherry said...


Thank you for saying so, and thank you for your support!

Best wishes,
Rowena Cherry

“Never sleep with a lady only once, especially in the case of an older lady”
~'Rhett, Knight’s Fork by Rowena Cherry

Rowena Cherry said...


Thank you very much!

Best wishes,
Rowena Cherry

What the blue starblazes does a wrathful god say to his seductress as a prelude to having his revenge on her?
~'Rhett, Knight’s Fork by Rowena Cherry

Rowena Cherry said...


Thank you, and welcome!!!

Best wishes,
Rowena Cherry

“I’m at your service in this, Ma’am. I’ve never refused a fight.” I’ve never lost one, either!
~'Rhett, Knight’s Fork by Rowena Cherry

Rowena Cherry said...


That's very kind of you to say so. I agree, after all I've seen and done, and all the places I've been, it would be a shame not to share some of it, even if retold as fiction.

Best wishes,
Rowena Cherry

“Here’s the problem. I am not the sexual equivalent of an espresso machine…..”
~'Rhett to Electra, Knight’s Fork by Rowena Cherry

Jacquie Rogers said...

First of all, thank you, Rowena, for contributing a $50 book voucher to my Pet Pictures contest. (To enter: and click on Contest.)

So when is Thor-quentin getting his story? He has all kinds of possibilities.

I’m thoroughly enjoying Knight’s Fork. You hit pay dirt again!!


Heather Massey said...

Congratulations on KNIGHT'S FORK release, Rowena, and many happy sales!

Long live otters!!

RowenaBCherry said...

Yay, Heather,

Yes, long live otters. They are much more than cute!


RowenaBCherry said...


Thank you for your kind comment. It's my pleasure to support your charitable fund raisers!

Best wishes,
Rowena Cherry

RowenaBCherry said...

The blind and random drawing has been held, and I am very pleased to announce that Savannah is the winner of the modest prize!

Congratulations, Savannah!

And again, thank you to everyone who supported my guest blogging here.

Best wishes,
Rowena Cherry

Athena Grayson said...

Hey Rowena, great to see you again, at least virtually. Congratulations on the release of Knight's Fork. Can't wait to read it!

RowenaBCherry said...


Thank you for your comment and congratulations! See you on, perhaps!

For any other readers who missed the activity, please follow me to GoodReads and ask a question (no prizes, just the pleasure of chatting) on my author page.

Best wishes,
Rowena Cherry