A New Look?

A New Look? - Hi bertemu lagi dengan saya di tempat berbagi Chord Gitar Indonesia, Pada kesempatan kalini saya akan berbagi Kunci gitar yang berjudul A New Look?, saya telah menyediakan lirik lagu lengkap dengan chord gitarnya dari awal lagi sampai akhir lagu. mudah-mudahan isi postingan kunci gitar yang saya tulis ini mudah untuk di pahami oleh kalian dan semoga bermanfaat juga. oke langsung saja ini chord gitar nya.

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A New Look?

Good morning, everyone!

I've decided Star-Crossed Romance needs a new look and since we didn't have a guest today, I thought today would be the perfect time to try out the new Blogger format and themes.

What do you think? Would you prefer something a little cheerier? I've heard some readers say they have difficulty reading lighter colored fonts on dark backgrounds (one of the reasons I decided to make a change, lol). Is this particular style easier to read? Or not?

Let me know what you think.

Have a great day!

PS Oh, my novel, Heartstone, is now available in both print and e-versions. You can find it at Mundania Press. Click here. And if you haven't already read it, there's a Prologue for Heartstone on my website under Excerpt. We decided not to use the prologue in the book but I thought some of you might want to read it.

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4 Responses to "A New Look?"

Linda Andrews said...

It reminds me of rain.

Stacy McKitrick said...

It looks like another blog I follow! If you used to have a black background and white writing, this is an improvement.

Lynda K. Scott said...

Linda, I think it's supposed to be rain on a window.

Stacy, Oh dear! Would that be a romance blog too? It's odd but on one of my other computers (which I'm using right now) the blog text appears to be gray on an almost black background. Mmm...might be back to the drawing board!

D. B. Reynolds said...

Hi Linda,
I like it, but then I like darker themes, so ...

It does remind me of rain on a window, so if that's what you're going for, great. As to the font color/background ... I've had complaints about my own blog, which is gray text on a black background. I increased the font size to compensate, but still get the occasional reader who can't read it.