By Skylar Masey January 16, 2010 book characters endurance GMC Olympian writing Endurance, Endurance...Endurance One of the hardest things to do is start with the kernel of an idea. Many times when you're starting a project, you can't seem to na...
By Skylar Masey June 13, 2008 calendar Deb Dixon GMC pantser plot sticky notes Plotting by the Seat of My Pants Pantser…Plotter, hmmm? I’ve only tried to write by the seat of my pants twice. My first book was built off a short story called DOUBLE ENTEN...
By Skylar Masey November 13, 2007 Dominant Impression GMC writing Puzzling Pieces I’ve always loved puzzles…only those that aren’t too hard. I hate to be stumped, so yes I am not one of those people that does the NY Times ...