By Lynda K. Scott September 03, 2014 book boyfriends fantasy romance science fantasy romance science fiction romance Tameri Etherton writing Guest - Tameri Etherton Good morning! We've got a terrific post today by Tameri Etherton. Tameri talks about the goal of writers and the desire of readers - to ...
By Lynda K. Scott July 21, 2014 megan elizabeth paranormal romance romance writing Guest - Megan Elizabeth Good morning! We have author Megan Jones visiting today. Today Megan is talking about writing so it should be interesting. We have some deli...
By Lynda K. Scott March 24, 2014 Alethea Kontis Female Author Main Characters Joan Wilder Orson Scott Card romance science fiction science fiction romance writing Guest - Alethea Kontis Good morning! We've got author Alethea Kontis visiting today. Alethea is discussing the ins and outs of creating characters, particularl...
By Skylar Masey April 01, 2011 characters community rejections Walk writing Rejection...the Dreaded R Word As a writer I thought my skin had gotten least to rejections. Especially those of the generic kind. I mean I literally have a fi...
By Skylar Masey January 15, 2011 Facebook internet world wide web online writing The World Wide Web...Reconnected I have never been so happy for a Google page to load! Tuesday marked the end to our internet connection drought....after two weeks! The day ...
By Skylar Masey November 05, 2010 happily ever after nanowrimo plot writing NaNoWriMo in November! If you're a writer you've likely heard of NaNoWriMo ...a month long writing event where you strive to get as many words as possible ...
By Skylar Masey October 07, 2010 HEA ideas novel THE END writing Fini...The End How many times have you seen it? That exalted flourish as an author pens/types THE END to their masterpiece? A few dozen at least? Personall...
By Skylar Masey July 30, 2010 iPad journal laptop netbook notebook writing Tech Savvy or Old-School? I, like several writers I know, love our laptops, but what's good for one writer isn't always right for another. But just like judge...
By Skylar Masey June 13, 2010 imagination MRI research Spiderman Wonder Woman writing Real or Imaginary? Are you a pretender? Not exactly in the sense as the tv show. I mean do you pretend to know things so that you can write about them? Do you...
By Skylar Masey April 10, 2010 article endurance fundraiser magazine relay for life writing Endure to Do More While spring cleaning my computer, I ran across a quote—“ If you want something that you have never had then you need to do something that y...
By Skylar Masey March 27, 2010 Ace of Base running Sahara Savage Garden talent U2 writing I Saw the Sign Do you remember a group from the 80's called Ace of Base? They had hits with "All She Wants" and of course "I Saw the Sig...
By Skylar Masey March 19, 2010 Alexis Morgan Nocturne paladin paranormal Pocket Silhouette vampire writing Star Light, Star Bright...Interstellar Interview with Alexis Morgan Alexis Morgan grew up near St. Louis and received a B.A. in English from the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She and her hero hubby have c...