Futuristic Romance Heroes

Futuristic Romance Heroes

What makes a good futuristic romance hero? In my opinion, the exact same things that make a good romance hero, period. Of course, these ar...
Patti -- Cover Art

Patti -- Cover Art

Patti, you've gotten some great cover art on your books (Dorchester does a fabulous job). I hear complaints all the time about covers. S...
Why I Think Futuristic Romance Rocks

Why I Think Futuristic Romance Rocks

Before I get started, I'd like to thank the Star-Crossed Romance authors for inviting me to be a guest blogger. I appreciate it! Lynda a...
Recycled Heroes

Recycled Heroes

Have you ever noticed that all your favorite actors from sci-fi series seem to get recycled on other sci-fi shows? I'm watching Stargate...