Day Late and $1.98 Short- Again

Day Late and $1.98 Short- Again

Damn and Crap!!! Once again word comes to me that one of the ideas that I have had brewing in my most troubled and twisted mind is being mad...
What's In A Name?

What's In A Name?

Why is it that choosing a name for someone seems like witling characters out of stone? I mean I can see the necessity to name a real child, ...
Survival Tactics?

Survival Tactics?

This has certainly been my week to blog :D I had a turn at the Triskelion Authors Blog and one at Sisters of the Night . You might want to ...
A Vacation From the Vacation

A Vacation From the Vacation

Why is it that I feel like I need a vacation to recover from my vacation? This year, Clan Xandra divided our time between the Pennsic War a...
Zara Grills Somthing Besides Supper

Zara Grills Somthing Besides Supper

“When I crash landed on Beryl what was the first thing about me that caught your eye?” Zara Dior nudged her significant other’s knee with he...