The Flexibility of Time

The Flexibility of Time

Sounds like a great title, right? I should be launching right about now into an exciting discourse on time travel, or temporal streams, or ...
Day Late and $1.98 Short- Again

Day Late and $1.98 Short- Again

Damn and Crap!!! Once again word comes to me that one of the ideas that I have had brewing in my most troubled and twisted mind is being mad...
What's In A Name?

What's In A Name?

Why is it that choosing a name for someone seems like witling characters out of stone? I mean I can see the necessity to name a real child, ...
Survival Tactics?

Survival Tactics?

This has certainly been my week to blog :D I had a turn at the Triskelion Authors Blog and one at Sisters of the Night . You might want to ...
A Vacation From the Vacation

A Vacation From the Vacation

Why is it that I feel like I need a vacation to recover from my vacation? This year, Clan Xandra divided our time between the Pennsic War a...
Zara Grills Somthing Besides Supper

Zara Grills Somthing Besides Supper

“When I crash landed on Beryl what was the first thing about me that caught your eye?” Zara Dior nudged her significant other’s knee with he...
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Plot

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Plot

By now most people who know me also know that I get most of my ideas from dreams or that hazy little twilight of storytelling I do right bef...
Heroes Among Us

Heroes Among Us

Sci-Fi wants to know WHO WANTS TO BE A SUPERHERO? My answer—jumping up and down like a cheerleader on a sugar high, my hands waving wildly i...
Hanging Out in the Outer Sphere

Hanging Out in the Outer Sphere

Well, hopefully, you aren't checking in to see Xandra's thoughts on RWA National...because I'm not there. ToT (is there an emot...