

Hi Everyone, (This post should have come through yesterday but I had 'issues' with Blogger. Normally, I'd just skip my turn but ...


Hi Everyone! I just wanted to announce that Linda Wisdom and I have sold our second erotic paranormal novella to Triskelion Publishing. No o...
When Technology Runs Amok

When Technology Runs Amok

Or just plain doesn't want to cooperate with us. Take my phone for instance. Now, it's not my secondary line which has the DSL runni...
Zing Me Baby!

Zing Me Baby!

No lie, my boyfriend snagged me in part because of what I thought was an ingenious one-liner. He said, “If I said you had a beautiful body w...
Shaking the Tree: Or Mixed Genres

Shaking the Tree: Or Mixed Genres

I think I've probably wrote on this before, but I've recently found a new love for mixing fantasy and sci-fi. What's made me emb...
Best-laid Plans

Best-laid Plans

What is it they say about best-laid plans? Oh, yeah…they never work out! Which is a given in most cases for me when I try to plan anything. ...
I'm back!

I'm back!

Oh man, I missed my last entry or two because of visitors (love 'em, God bless the pair) and because I'm tech challenged and couldn&...
Got Romance for V-day?

Got Romance for V-day?

Every Sunday I post a new Romantic Tidbit on my About Skylar page ( ) to give readers ideas to express thei...
Undue Influence

Undue Influence

So I've got a huge list of futuristics on my TBR pile that I'm itching to read and am afraid to touch. Why? Because I'm afraid o...
I don't know how it always happens....

I don't know how it always happens....

...but it always manages to be my day to blog when I have to work. Since I work nights, I'm sleeping during the day and then limited com...