When One can't Decide

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When One can't Decide

Sometimes, one of the hardest things is to try and decide what book to start next. There are so many stories to be told, so many little tidbits jotted down for different books...different characters and different settings, all clamouring to be next.

And settings. Do I add something new to the sci-fi setting? If I started a new sci-fi series, what else can I put in/take away? Would it be too similar to the other series if I kept the basic planets and customs? I think so. each new series would need a new setting, but how different can you make a sci-fi?

It can be a real whizz-bang setting, with high sci-fi elements and sophisticated weaponry. Or a mix of medieval and high tech. Or...or...I think I just pulled a brain muscle.

Really, how much can you pack into a sci-fi before crossing the realms into fantasy? But isn't sci-fi fiction fantasy anyway? Do we really know that people will one day be travelling from planet to planet within just a few hours? heck, I've been to mechanics that can't even get my car started. I have my doubts.

I remember years ago watching a film called Beyond 2000, a documentary/information style TV series that showed all these whizz-bang (this is my word for the day, have you noticed?) things that were coming beyond 2000. Robots and houses with no kitchens and all sorts of wonderful hi tech stuff. Riiiiight! We're still cooking in kitchens and I haven't seen a robot in sight. I did watch the movie I, Robot and look what happened there?!

So how far do we go in our sci-fi romances or fiction? I think that's the key right there - it's fiction. Our stories are fiction, and that means we can do whatever we like, use any setting we like, and go anywhere we like, be as hi-tech or low-brow as we want to be. And have fun!

And romance, and adventure and...


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1 Response to "When One can't Decide"

Kathleen Scott/MK Mancos said...

I've been reading a book about time-travel lately. It's a reference book, not a fiction containing time travel. One thing the author said that struck me was..."science fiction without the science is just fantasy." Um, I disagreed with that. To me, fantasy has swords and magic and nothing to do with science. Unless of course the basis of magic was rooted in actual science. The thing that also struck me is that most scienctists can't even agree that FTL travel is possible, so does that mean any book that has a FTL drive on board a star ship is essentially a fantasy. Again, I don't believe it. I always use this arguement when I write something futuristic or scifi and do not explain how my propulsion system works. If I write a contemporary and my characters jump into a car to go some place, I don't feel compelled to explain how the engine or drive train work. I'm not going to do it on a space ship either. It slows down the plot and gets away from the action.
