By Angela Verdenius September 23, 2008 books computer friends inspiration plotting reading typing writing 13 Things I Learned About Writing Ooohhh - thought provoking and headache inducing ROTFLMAO !!! here goes... 1. Writing that million dollar best seller doesn't happen ov...
By Athena Grayson June 13, 2008 pantsing plotting writing process xandra Han or Leia "Where do you get your ideas?" is a question writers are frequently asked, and writers I've talked to, when we get together, l...
By Angela Verdenius June 11, 2008 day dream details ideas plotting scene plotter or pantser I've always considered myself a plotter. I have the basic half page outline and a list of my characters and what they look like. The...
By Two Voices Publishing June 10, 2008 Bernadette pantsing plotting surprise They don’t call it Sisterhood of the Traveling Plots, do they? Can you tell I’m a pantser? I imagine it’s pretty obvious to other writers that I’m not one of those organized, type A personalities. I don’...
By Lynda K. Scott June 09, 2008 into the mist pantsing plotting writing Dashing madly into the Mist Good morning, everyone! This week our theme is Plotter or Pantser. For those unfamiliar with the terms, a plotter is someone who studiously ...
By Athena Grayson March 06, 2008 genre plotting xandra The Right Blend And no, I'm not talking about coffee beans. I wish I were. I love coffee. What I'm talking about is the blend between romantic sto...