A Change of Medium

A Change of Medium

We've all done it—written articles for newsletters or writers' sites in an attempt to pass our knowledge on to others. Usually I can...
New Horizons

New Horizons

As a kid all the cartoons I liked—Spiderman, Bionic 6, Captain Planet, Galaxy Rangers—pushed the boundaries of convention. I do admit I like...
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

I'm woefully ignorant about champagne and wine in general. So when a friend sent me the following (to help part the veil of wine ignoran...
Counting Down

Counting Down

My mother use to load my sister and I into the family car (decked out like Randy from Christmas Story) then carefully camp out on the curb e...
A Moveable Feast

A Moveable Feast

Most of you know by now, my night job—the one that pays the bills—is as a Respiratory Therapist at a hospital. Working full time as a staff ...
Oh Thankful Days

Oh Thankful Days

I know exactly where I was a year ago. I was reeling from the curt letter I received from my then publisher, which called for a massive rewr...
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from S e x i l u v . c o m Here in the U.S., Thanksgiving was first celebrated in early colonial times ...