By Two Voices Publishing January 06, 2009 cleaning Jennifer Colgan new projects Anchors Away! No, I’m not going on a cruise. That would be nice – well, except for the seasickness, but anyway – No. I’m talking about getting rid of anch...
By Two Voices Publishing December 23, 2008 holidays Jennifer Colgan Happy Holidays Again I must apologize for not being around so much, but I wanted to stop in and wish everyone a happy holiday season. Here's hoping 20...
By Two Voices Publishing December 02, 2008 cyber space Jennifer Colgan lurking Hiding in Cyber Space [The Art of Lurking] I'm not sure what possessed me to blog on this topic today, other than I needed an excuse for my absence of late. The thing about the We...
By Two Voices Publishing October 21, 2008 books conference Jennifer Colgan TBR TBR or not to TBR? That is the question these days. I ask, because I'm faced with a dilemma this weekend. I'll be attending New Jersey Romance Writers ...
By Two Voices Publishing September 28, 2008 genres historical romance Jennifer Colgan new release time travel Time traveling Since my newest release doesn't exactly fall under the categories covered in this blog, how about if I call it a bit of time travel? An...
By Two Voices Publishing September 09, 2008 Jennifer Colgan voice writing Elusive Author Voice There are a lot of things about the publishing world that make me cringe, and the word 'voice' is one of them. While not as scary as...
By Two Voices Publishing August 20, 2008 Jennifer Colgan world building writing tips Tips for writing SF, F & P This is a great topic and I’m looking forward to seeing what my co-bloggers have to say about the art of writing Science Fiction, Fantasy an...
By Two Voices Publishing August 05, 2008 fan mail inspiration Jennifer Colgan The Joy of Fan Mail As Lynda said in yesterday’s post, fan mail is one of the few things that can make you feel like a real writer. It’s odd that so many author...