By Skylar Masey January 10, 2009 Friday pedometer robbery stereo TBR writing Days Like This Fridays are supposed to be idyllic, right? They’re supposed to be easy days where everything goes your way and everyone is happy, right? The...
By Angela Verdenius October 25, 2008 authors books comedy contest romance favourites forensic pathology genres horror mood paranormal TBR books, books and more books Forgive me for once again being late with a post! We've had thunder and rain the last few days, which is great, but makes getting on a ...
By Two Voices Publishing October 21, 2008 books conference Jennifer Colgan TBR TBR or not to TBR? That is the question these days. I ask, because I'm faced with a dilemma this weekend. I'll be attending New Jersey Romance Writers ...