By Skylar Masey May 01, 2010 conference Conventions King Queen relay for life Romantic Times What R U Doing? I for one am jealous! Many of my writer friends have descended on Columbus for the annual Romantic Times Convention! Facebook is hopping wit...
By Skylar Masey March 27, 2009 chocolate conference Ever After favors goodies wedding Assembly Required Today let's talk favors. No, not something I can do for you, or something you can do for me...I'm talking about those little doodads...
By Skylar Masey February 06, 2009 book conference promo race wedding writing The Big Day As of late I've been gearing up...for my race on February 13th. I've picked out my outfit, including running tights, a long sleeve s...
By Two Voices Publishing October 21, 2008 books conference Jennifer Colgan TBR TBR or not to TBR? That is the question these days. I ask, because I'm faced with a dilemma this weekend. I'll be attending New Jersey Romance Writers ...
By Skylar Masey July 10, 2008 conference high school knowledge Nationals sessions superheroes Learning by Osmosis I remember wishing to have the power of osmosis back when I was in high school, and then again at the National Conference in Atlanta. There ...