On the Serious Side

On the Serious Side

As you know, my publisher went bankrupt recently and regardless of the clauses in my contracts assuring me that I would have my rights (to t...
Researching Backwards

Researching Backwards

Just so you know...I haven't been to bed yet, and I'm typing this in at 1:44 in the morning...so techincally it's still Wednesda...
Research--How I Do It

Research--How I Do It

My story ideas usually start with the characters. And I always find that giving them a name helps solidify them in my mind. (Yelling at some...
The Two of Me

The Two of Me

I’ve been asked by a fellow author about the differences in my two personas and I thought that might make a good blog topic. Let me introduc...
The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled

If you’re at all like me, you have a defined schedule. Up at 7:30; at work by 8:30; lunch at noon; off work at 5:00; then writing/housework ...
World-Building 101

World-Building 101

Something Xandra said in her latest blog got me to thinking...I know...just about everything gets me to thinking. But when she mentioned wor...
Kick A$$!

Kick A$$!

I’m lamenting the fact that I have so much to do (August 1st deadline, need I say more?) and so little time before I must pack my things to ...
Wednesday Whining

Wednesday Whining

I’ve been trying to lose weight...well, all my life pretty much. But in the past two or three years I’ve tried really, really hard. I eat fa...
I Just Did It

I Just Did It

No, I didn't just come from seeing "Transformers" - though I have a feeling that I'll have a date with Optimus Prime in th...